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BYOM Lesson Workbooks

BYOM 1st Grade Workbook

2023-07-05 |    0

The entire task system has been revised to involve every child in independent educational and cognitive activities. This approach helps kids improve their math and drawing skills, as well as their handwriting and thinking. They learn to analyze, compare, generalize, classify, and reason by analogy. From the start, they tackle tasks that require creativity. These tasks develop their minds, willpower, and emotions. Moreover, they encourage goal-setting, problem-solving, self-control, and self-assessment.

Children need to understand the origin and meaning of math concepts and know math's role in the sciences. Without this, a full math education is impossible. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the curriculum is to reveal to children all three stages of the formation of mathematical knowledge.

These are:

  1. the stage of mathematization, that is, the construction of a mathematical model of some fragment of reality;

  2. the stage of studying the mathematical model, that is, the construction of a mathematical theory that describes the properties of the constructed model;

  3. the stage of applying the results obtained to the real world.

For example, natural numbers are not initial abstractions, so their study should be preceded by familiarizing with finite sets of objects and how they are identified. The study of addition and subtraction of natural numbers should begin with the consideration of specific operations of combining finite sets and removing parts of a set. Similarly, the study of adding and subtracting two-digit numbers should be based on the operations of the symbols for these numbers. This is done using dots and shapes, as was done historically. Developing a thinking style is necessary for the successful use of electronic means.

The computerization of the world around us leads to a reassessment of the importance of many skills and abilities. For example, making and executing a plan is important, as is strictly following rules and algorithms. Also key is the ability to judge answers, consider many solutions, and search for needed information.

The proposed course is aimed at developing these skills and is closely linked with the study of computer science at school.

The traditional teaching method isn't enough for today's needs. We want to nurture qualities like tolerance and self-determination. It is essential that new approaches in education build on what traditional schools offer. They should also aim to pass on our cultural values to the next generation. This program introduces a fresh perspective on education. It blends well with the ideas of developmental education. It also aims to continue the legacy of traditional schools.

The didactic system of the activity method includes the following didactic principles:

  1. The principle of activity states that a student's personality and development do not come from just getting knowledge. They come from their own activity to find new knowledge.

  2. The principle of continuity means organizing learning so that the result of activity at each previous stage ensures the beginning of the next stage. The process's continuity is ensured by the invariance of technology and continuity between all stages of education in terms of content and methodology.

  3. The principle of a holistic view of the world means that a child should have a general, holistic view of the world. This includes nature, society, and themselves. It also includes the role of each science in the system of sciences.

  4. The minimax principle means the school offers each student high-level educational content and ensures they learn it at the minimum safe level.

  5. The principle is psychological comfort. It means removing stress from learning, creating a friendly classroom, and focusing on cooperative teaching.

  6. The principle of variability implies fostering variable thinking. That is, realizing problems have many solutions. It means building skills for listing options and picking the best one.

  7. The principle of creativity implies focusing on the creative element in students' learning activities. This lets them acquire their own experience of creativity.

The lesson based on the activity method has the following structure:

1. Self-determination towards activity (organizational moment)

At this stage, students have positive self-determination for the lesson. This means:

  • the lesson creates a need for activity ("I want to")

  • it identifies a topic ("I can")

2. Knowledge activation and fixation of difficulties in activity

Stage Preparation for Design Thinking

This stage has two parts:

1. Activating Skills

  • Preparing children's thinking for a new way of action

2. Training Thinking Operations

  • Matching skills required for design thinking

At the end of this stage, a difficulty is created in the individual activity of students, which they independently fix.

3. Setting the learning problem

At this stage, students correlate their actions with the method of action used (algorithm, concept, etc.) and, on this basis, identify, fix, and voice the cause of the difficulty. The teacher organizes the children's investigation of the problem situation. The end of the stage is associated with the goal of the activity and the formulation (or clarification) of the lesson theme.

4. Project construction for getting out of difficulty (introduction of new knowledge by students)

At this point, the teacher guides students in solving a problem. First, they suggest methods. Then, they propose and test theories using models and diagrams. Next, they create and explain a new plan of action. Finally, they record this in diagrams and symbols, following cultural norms. Finally, it is established that the educational task is resolved.

5. Initial consolidation in external speech

Students, in the form of communicative interaction, solve typical tasks in a new way of action pronouncing the established algorithm in external speech.

6. Independent work with self-checking against the standard

During this stage, students work alone. They use the new method to do tasks, check their work step by step against a standard (a reference signal), and assess it themselves. The emotional focus of the stage consists of organizing a situation of success that contributes to the involvement of students in further cognitive activity.

7. Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition

At this stage, new knowledge is included in the system of knowledge. If necessary, tasks are performed to train previously studied algorithms and to prepare for the introduction of new knowledge in subsequent lessons.

8. Activity Reflection (lesson summary)

At this stage, self-evaluation is organized, where the effectiveness of the activity is assessed, and the lesson is summarized.


The consolidation and reinforcement of knowledge of the main content and methodological lines of the course (numerical, text problems) is carried out in parallel with the exploration of new mathematical ideas of additional lines (geometric, algebraic, combinatorial, etc.). Therefore, training exercises do not tire children, especially since they are usually presented in a playful form (coding and decoding, riddles, etc.). Thus, each unprepared child gets the chance to slowly learn a necessary skill from the required learning outcomes. Well-prepared children get constant mental stimulation. This makes math lessons attractive for all children - both strong and weak.

When forming concepts, all types of memory are used - not only visual and auditory, but also motor, imagery, tactile, and others. First-grade children play rhythmic games. They learn to count by 2, 3, 4, and up to 9. This prepares them for second-grade multiplication. When leading these games, focus on movements. Let children create movements that start with counting by 5. These movements are easier to remember and quicker to learn. As a result, they also learn single-digit multiples more easily.

Flower Girl

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One of the most important tasks of the first lessons in any subject is to create a desire for learning in children and to help them understand that they can learn and be successful. Therefore, the material for the first lessons is chosen to be interesting to children and to enable each child to be successful in something. These lessons are key for first-grade math. They cover natural numbers, addition, and subtraction. Moreover, the lessons prepare kids for school. They boost attention, memory, speech, and thinking skills. Initially, the focus is on developing the cognitive skill of analysis through synthesis. The teacher shows different objects to the children, and they try to notice and name as many of their properties as possible (e.g. a saucer - blue, round, used for holding a cup, made of glass, etc.).


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